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As a footwear student designer, every opportunities to make new shoes and portfolio is exciting 


I was selected over all the students from LCF studying fashion to represent LCF at this competion of the 8 best Fashion school in the world. it was an honour as I was only a first year student. 


“We are the first generation to feel the effects of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it” Barack Obama, 2014

Every day, people face the impact of all our actions on the environment. 

The processing of raw materials required for textiles or leathers and the vast amounts of water used (2,700 litres per single t-shirt) contributes to the emission of greenhouse gasses which are causing climate change.


Designing a collection, targeting a green strategy is becoming the new priority for all designers with an ethical fashion mind set. “Action in the sustainability space many times comes from inspiring moment when people have the opportunity to see some of the damaging effects business can have when handled irresponsibly.” (the future of fashion, new degree press, 2018). 

From me




The shoe was selected to be exposed at Pitti imagine museum in Florence, Italy

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